- Payment:
In Sweden:
- Companies/Hospitals/Agencies: Payment terms are 10 days net unless agreed otherwise.
- Individuals: Prepayment or COD unless agreed otherwise.
Prepayment unless agreed otherwise.
- Prices and availability:
- All prices do not include VAT, taxes, customs duties and freight. Please contact us for prices quotations and products availability. We apologize if ordered items are not available at the time of purchase.
- All prices, charges, goods, availability and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
- Delivery:
- Sweden normally between 3 to 5 business days.
- International, please contact us.
- We reserve the right for customers’ credit check.
- Claims:
- Claims or return goods should be done within 7 days after delivery and returned undamaged.
- Compliance and caution:
- Acupuncture and Moxibustion devices and accessories are to be used by qualified practitioners only.
- Oral-motor products are designed for infants and very young children with developing oral-motor and feeding needs. They are not designed for older children with teeth and persistent needs for the strong oral input provided by intense biting and chewing.
- The purchaser and user accept full responsibility for the safe and proper use of these products and agree to indemnify and hold Wilkris & Co AB harmless from any consumer and legal claims against these products in their use.